In the care of arthritis, occupational therapy aims at;
- Preventing joint pain and deformities, which includes making appropriate splints.
- Maintaining joint mobility (ROM), including hand rehabilitation and post-operative treatment if required
- Improving overall physical endurance
- Helping with functional ability, which includes providing suitable adaptive equipment and devices.
- Assisting to problem solve how to modify daily activities at home or work to protect joints and conserve energy
Here are some tips to help you cope with Arthritis:
- respect pain and thus stop doing an activity if it causes pain
- balance activity and rest ( work rest work rest principle)
- use correct patterns of motion when moving
- exercise in the range of motion where you dont have pain
- use adaptive equipment if necessary
- avoid maintaining one position (eg standing) for prolonged periods of time.
- try not to do a task that cannot be stopped if it proves to be painful